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WSJ Real Estate selects Vestaboard-centered home for cover page

June 18, 2024 / by Maddie Frame

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Vestaboard customer and architect David Gallulo, who as CEO and creative director of Rapt Studio has designed offices for companies like Goop, Fender, Tinder and HBO, remodeled his Sonoma mountain home choosing Vestaboard as a centerpiece of his kitchen. The Wall Street Journal recently featured the home on the cover page of its Real Estate section. 


“Perhaps the most telling feature of the house is the large Vestaboard in the kitchen—a display panel with spinning flaps like the ones found in train stations that change as train times change. Galullo controls the display from his cellphone, often using it when he is traveling, to post his schedule and messages (“Hi Mom” is one his mother finds a little unnerving when he’s sending it from the other side of the world). Neither his mother nor [his spouse] are allowed to control the messages on the board—only Galullo has the code.” WSJ


The article notes that Gallulo’s process involves tapping into behavioral science to create spaces that foster meaningful interactions. “This is why we created Vestaboard,” commented Vestaboard CEO Dorrian Porter. He continued, “We wanted to help create spaces that bring people together whether in the same home or if they have to be apart. We are delighted that the Wall Street Journal conveyed the significance of Vestaboard in the home of one of our wonderful customers.”

Read the full article here.

Tags: Customer Stories, Home, Kitchen, Interior Design

Maddie Frame

Written by Maddie Frame

Maddie coordinates paid media marketing and manages Vestaboard’s social platforms.

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