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Vestaboard powers Proof’s Ottomatic launch at Claris Engage 2024

September 12, 2024 / by Kristin Keeffe

In partnership with guest editor Marcia Conner, Senior Advisor at Proof



  • Used Vestaboard to establish a compelling way for conference participants to learn what was happening in the moment. 
  • Wowed event attendees with Vestaboard’s captivating sound, wonderfully moving flaps, and sophisticated technology.
  • Vestaboard introduced information about a new Proof product offering, setting itself apart from its competition.
  • Led a design hackathon on the Apple campus to teach people how to use FileMaker to change the Vestaboard display.



Over three days, the Proof team talked with hundreds of participants about their new offerings and how Vestaboard was the ideal partner to get attention in a chaotic, high-tech, high-touch environment. 

Vestaboard’s contribution included two displays:, one kept attendees informed at the centrally located Proof booth, and a second was dedicated to helping developers test their programs.




Surrounded by fellow FileMaker developers they hadn’t seen in years (because of the pandemic), people congregated around the Vestaboard display, commenting on how things had changed in the previous years. They talked about how wonderful it was to be amongst friends again and how the Apple campus was the perfect backdrop to refresh their passion for leading-edge tech.

In the Hackathon, the Apple Claris engineering lead showed onlookers how simple it was to use FileMaker to convey anything with just a few keystrokes and back end the content with a Claris FileMaker system.

Beauty. Content. Technology. Vitality. It was all there.

Learn more about Proof and their recent Claris Innovation Excellence Award.

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Tags: Developers, Software, API, Event

Kristin Keeffe

Written by Kristin Keeffe

Kristin is Head of Marketing and PR for Vestaboard. She sometimes loves her golden retriever named Ace. And her kids and husband too.

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